Results for 'Nora María Matamoros Franco'

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  1.  26
    Cine y filosofía: El acto ideatorio como evento fílmico.Nora María Matamoros Franco - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:175-188.
    Artaud affirmed that the cinema participates in the thought and posessess a peculiar and moving power that distinguishes and constitutes the force of the thought like an ideatorian act. This means the thought like the action by which it is possible to represent and be made clear essential forms ..
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    Lo divino y lo sublime..Nora María Matamoros Franco - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 8:227-239.
    As María Zambranosays, it has been a few time since man examines his present and proyects hisfuture without counting with the gods or any divine manifestation. It hasbeen denominated secularization to the phenomenon that has caused thisnew vision of the world. However, the recent presence of secular..
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  3. La edad de los hombres:¿ una era cristiana?Nora M. Matamoros Franco - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
    A la luz de un análisis de las costumbres practicadas por la sociedad griega heroica, en la presente contribución se intenta esclarecer por qué la visión cristiana del mundo puede ser considerada paso fundamental hacia eso que Vico llama "Edad de los Hombres".This paper tries to explain -in the light of an analysis of customs practiced in the heroic Greek society- why the Christian conception of the world can be considered as a fundamental step towards what Vico calls the "Age (...)
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    Fenomenología: ontología interpretación del mundo o límites de la metafísica.Matamoros Franco & Nora María - 2000 - México: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
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    Caracterización de las representaciones sociales de la violencia intragénero en parejas de hombres gay.María Angélica Franco Saavedra - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-9.
    El presente artículo se encarga de estudiar la violencia intragénero que se manifiesta en parejas de hombres gay, y como es representada socialmente en la ciudad comuna de Temuco-Chile. Para ello se tiene como objetivo la caracterización de dicha violencia, comprendiendo una investigación aplicada en un rango de edad de 18- 50 años durante el periodo de 2020-2021. Entre los resultados obtenidos en dicha investigación, se destacan consecuencias graves en casos de violencia intragénero, el miedo de denunciar el abuso por (...)
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  6. Porque te quiero te aporreo: La violencia contra las mujeres como el sustento Del patriarcado.María Isleny Franco Moreno & Dora Cecilia Rodríguez Avendaño - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (2).
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    Ruminações: cultura letrada e dispersão hiperconectada.Maria Cristina Franco Ferraz - 2015 - Rio de Janeiro: Garamond.
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    Linguagem em contextos.Maria Cecilia Mollica & Claudio de Paiva Franco (eds.) - 2014 - [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: 7 Letras.
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    Theatre and Religious Hypothesis.Maria Christina Franco Ferraz - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (1):220-235.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:220 THEATRE AND RELIGIOUS HYPOTHESIS* We are placed in this world, as in a great theatre, where the true springs and causes of every event are entirely concealed from us.... David Hume La collection des idées s'appelle imagination, dans la mesure où celleci désigne, non pas une faculté, mais un ensemble des choses, au sens le plus vague du mot, qui sont ce qu'elles paraissent: collection sans album, pièce (...)
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  10. Usability and User Experience of Cognitive Intervention Technologies for Elderly People With MCI or Dementia: A Systematic Review.Leslie María Contreras-Somoza, Eider Irazoki, José Miguel Toribio-Guzmán, Isabel de la Torre-Díez, Angie Alejandra Diaz-Baquero, Esther Parra-Vidales, María Victoria Perea-Bartolomé & Manuel Ángel Franco-Martín - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionIncorporating technology in cognitive interventions represents an innovation, making them more accessible, flexible, and cost-effective. This will not be feasible without adequate user-technology fit. Bearing in mind the importance of developing cognitive interventions whose technology is appropriate for elderly people with cognitive impairment, the objective of this systematic review was to find evidence about usability and user experience measurements and features of stimulation, training, and cognitive rehabilitation technologies for older adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia.MethodThe Medline, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, (...)
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    Hermenéutica analógica, comunicación y empatía.Nm Matamoros Franco - 2000 - Analogía Filosófica 14 (7).
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    Presentación: Cinco respuestas a un desafío.María Cristina González & Nora Stigol - 2010 - Análisis Filosófico 30 (1):5-15.
    En los últimos años y por diversos motivos los filósofos han exhibido un creciente interés por la reflexión metafilosófica (una amplia bibliografía así lo manifiesta). Una de las cuestiones metafilosóficas que ha suscitado especial dedicación y ha atraído la atención de filósofos de distintas filiaciones es la cuestión acerca del canon filosófico. ¿En qué consiste? ¿Cómo debe ser concebido? ¿Cómo se constituye? ¿Cómo funciona? ¿Dónde está? ¿Qué relación guarda con la historia de la filosofía y con la historia de las (...)
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    O processo de urbanização na província de córdoba, argentina. Para Uma empirização do tempo.Franco Gastón Lucero, Maria De los Ángeles Galfioni, Mónica Donadoni, Analía Emiliozzi & Jorge Luis Hernández - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (1):03.
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    La filosofía y su historia. Un debate abierto.María Cristina González & Nora Stigol - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 37 (2):151-170.
    The relationships between philosophy and its history have been discussed at great length along the last decades. We analyze some aspects of this debate. Particularly, we question the thesis according to which to know history of philosophy is a necessary condition for doing philosophy. We disclose some assumptions, generally implicit ones, strongly related to it.
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    Ventral Striatal Activation During Reward Anticipation of Different Reward Probabilities in Adolescents and Adults.Maria Bretzke, Hannes Wahl, Michael M. Plichta, Nicole Wolff, Veit Roessner, Nora C. Vetter & Judith Buse - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Adolescence has been linked to an enhanced tolerance of uncertainty and risky behavior and is possibly connected to an increased response toward rewards. However, previous research has produced inconsistent findings. To investigate whether these findings are due to different reward probabilities used in the experimental design, we extended a monetary incentive delay task by including three different reward probabilities. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, 25 healthy adolescents and 22 adults were studied during anticipation of rewards in the VS. Differently colored (...)
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    Reduced Olfactory Bulb Volume in Obesity and Its Relation to Metabolic Health Status.Maria Poessel, Nora Breuer, Akshita Joshi, André Pampel, Arno Villringer, Thomas Hummel & Annette Horstmann - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Smell perception plays an important role in eating behavior and might be involved in body weight gain. Since a body of literature implies that olfactory perception and function is hampered in obesity, we here investigate neuroanatomical correlates of this phenomenon. We assessed olfactory bulb volume with magnetic resonance imaging in 67 healthy participants with a body mass index from 18.9 to 45.4 kg/m2. Moreover, we obtained psychophysiological data on olfactory ability and self-report measurements on eating behavior. Additionally, we collected parameters (...)
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    Las máscaras de la perversidad en tres cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe. Teatralización de la monstruosidad moral.Claudia María Maya Franco & Hilderman Cardona Rodas - 2020 - Perseitas 9:292-318.
    Este artículo analiza tres cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe (El demonio de la perversidad, El gato negro y El corazón delator). Estos cuentos tienen en común el tema de la perversidad hacia cuya elucidación pretendemos avanzar desde la premisa deleuziana según la cual es preciso volver al espacio literario donde fueron nombradas las perversidades, con el fin de obtener algunas claves de comprensión sobre las causas y consecuencias de la perversidad, así como sobre la naturaleza de estos personajes literarios que, (...)
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    Measuring Spatial Perspective Taking: Analysis of Four Measures Using Item Response Theory.Maria Brucato, Andrea Frick, Stefan Pichelmann, Alina Nazareth & Nora S. Newcombe - 2023 - Topics in Cognitive Science 15 (1):46-74.
    Research on spatial thinking requires reliable and valid measures of individual differences in various component skills. Spatial perspective taking (PT)—the ability to represent viewpoints different from one's own—is one kind of spatial skill that is especially relevant to navigation. This study had two goals. First, the psychometric properties of four PT tests were examined: Four Mountains Task (FMT), Spatial Orientation Task (SOT), Perspective-Taking Task for Adults (PTT-A), and Photographic Perspective-Taking Task (PPTT). Using item response theory (IRT), item difficulty, discriminability, and (...)
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    From aesthetics as critique to grammars of listening: aesthetic resistance to epistemic violence (autobiographical essay).María del Rosario Acosta López, María Camila Salinas Castillo, Juan David Franco Daza, Yair José Sánchez Negrette & Santiago Cadavid Uribe - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:131-154.
    This paper presents an overview of my work in philosophy from my first book on Friedrich Schiller and the political sublime to my most recent project on listening to traumatic forms of violence. Starting with a reflection on the autobiographical character of philosophy, I propose to take up the question of an aesthetic dimension of philosophical critique, where aesthetics is understood as an always already embodied perspective on the world, on truth, and on philosophical activity, as well as an always (...)
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    El Arte Como Mediación de la Utopía.Maya Franco & Claudia María - 2006 - Fondo Editorial Universidad Eafit.
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    La muerte, el poder y el amor. Pedro Páramo y el discurso como acontecimiento.Claudia María Maya Franco - 2012 - Escritos 20 (45):435-453.
    Este texto se propone la lectura de la novela Pedro Páramo a la luz de algunos de los conceptos que, a fin de caracterizar la hermenéutica literaria, y la teoría de la interpretación, elabora Paul Ricoeur en su texto Teoría de la argumentación. La primera parte consiste en una breve presentación de los mismos y la segunda en la lectura a partir de estos conceptos, y en particular del concepto de referente, de algunos pasajes de la novela de Juan Rulfo.
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    Docência crítica: uma práxis que constrói vocações.Maria Amélia Santoro Franco & Daniella Gardini Scalet - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):825-844.
    Resumo: A história e a multidimensionalidade da docência oportunizam diferentes compreensões sobre sua gênese e desenvolvimento. As inúmeras contradições que configuram o ato pedagógico, podem ser consideradas como um dos elementos que dificultam explicar a docência de maneira linear e simplificada. Neste complexo contexto, questiona-se como a práxis pedagógica pode produzir condições de compromisso social e político com a docência, em substituição ao conceito de vocação? Para responder à esta questão, desenvolveu-se pesquisa crítico bibliográfica a partir do aporte teórico de (...)
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    Diagnóstico de un plasma por sonda de Langmuir.Lina María Franco Arias, Jaime Andrés Pérez Taborda & Henry Riascos Landázuri - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Adorno y el arte como mediación de la utopía.Maya Franco & Claudia María - 2004 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 29:9-24.
    La Teoría estética de Adorno es uno de los más logrados intentos por llevar el arte moderno a su concepto. Su punto de partida es el reconocimiento del carácter social del hecho estético así como la resistencia del arte moderno respecto de cualquier finalidad social. Este doble carácter (de hecho social y autonomía) constituye al arte como un elemento crítico al interior de lo social, con lo que el intento de conceptualización toma la deriva de la crítica social. La naturaleza (...)
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    Gracia on Latino and Latin American Philosophy.María Cristina González & Nora Stigol - 2013 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 27 (1):79-90.
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    Ethical conflict among critical care nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.Anjita Khanal, Sara Franco-Correia & Maria-Pilar Mosteiro-Diaz - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):819-832.
    Background Ethical conflict is a problem with negative consequences, which can compromise the quality and ethical standards of the nursing profession and it is a source of stress for health care practitioners’, especially for nurses. Objectives The main aim of this study was to analyze Spanish critical care nurses’ level of exposure to ethical conflict and its association with sociodemographic, occupational, and COVID-19–related variables. Research Design, Participants, and Research context: This was a quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study conducted among 117 nurses (...)
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    Herramientas que Permiten Lograr un Cambio de Actitud, Proceso Estratégico y Cualidad como Dimensiones del Pensamiento Estratégico en los Gerentes Tools that Allow Achieve a Change of Attitude, Process and Quality Strategic Thinking and Strategic Dimensions in Managers.Franco de Franco, María Josefina, Franco Franco & Andreina del Valle - 2013 - Daena 8 (1):103-129.
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    Jesué Pinharanda Gomes: pensar português: texto inédito e estudos.José Eduardo Franco, José Maria Silva Rosa & Pinharanda Gomes (eds.) - 2019 - Lisboa: Theya.
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    Crescere/svilupparsi: teorie e rappresentazioni fra mondo antico e scienze della vita contemporanee.Franco Giorgianni, Pietro Li Causi, Maria Cristina Maggio & Rosa Rita Marchese (eds.) - 2020 - Palermo: Palermo University Press.
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    Implementing the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: principles, implications, practice and limitations.Raymond Lang, Maria Kett, Nora Groce & Jean-Francois Trani - 2011 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 5 (3):206-220.
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    Emotion Understanding, Social Competence and School Achievement in Children from Primary School in Portugal.Maria da Glória Franco, Maria J. Beja, Adelinda Candeias & Natalie Santos - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Organização social do trabalho no período colonial.Maria Sylvia Carvalho Franco - 1978 - Discurso 8:1-45.
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    Effects of Mindfulness Training on Sleep Problems in Patients With Fibromyalgia.Alberto Amutio, Clemente Franco, Laura C. Sánchez-Sánchez, María del C. Pérez-Fuentes, José J. Gázquez-Linares, William Van Gordon & María del M. Molero-Jurado - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Crear Valores–Vivir Los Valores De Liderazgo Espiritual a Nivel Individual y Organizacional Create Value-Live Spiritual Values of Leadership at Individual and Organizational Level.Franco de Franco, María Josefina & Martín Leal Guerra - 2013 - Daena 8 (2):130-146.
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    El Pensamiento Estratégico en los Gerentes Basado en la Filosofía de los Institutos Autónomos del Sector Público (Strategic Thinking for Managers Based in the Philosophy of Self-Governing Bodies of Public Sector).Franco de Franco & María Josefina - 2012 - Daena 7 (3):46-58.
    Resumen. En el presente artículo se abordan lineamientos para internalizar el pensamiento estratégico en losgerentes basado en la filosofía de los Institutos Autónomos del sector público. Tomando en cuenta, que esfundamental que el pensamiento estratégico de los líderes se ocupe de la filosofía institucional para estarclaros en saber quiénes son, en qué se cree, cuáles son sus preceptos; así como, conocer los compromisos yresponsabilidades. Todo ello, basado en la misión, visión, valores, y estrategia que tienden a ser elementosintuitivos. Por lo (...)
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  36. La droga del siglo XXI.Antonio Maria Costa, Bernat Soria Escoms, Nora Volkow & Agustín Remesal - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:26-31.
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    Could Time Detect a Faking-Good Attitude? A Study With the MMPI-2-RF.Paolo Roma, Maria C. Verrocchio, Cristina Mazza, Daniela Marchetti, Franco Burla, Maria E. Cinti & Stefano Ferracuti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Indexical Signs and Artistic, Political and Historical Complexity.María Margarita Malagón-Kurka, Clemencia Echeverri & Beatriz Eugenia Vallejo Franco - 2021 - Theoria 87 (4):937-958.
    Artists, political scientists and art historians share with other professionals the challenge of apprehending and comprehending the complexity of the realities they address in their work. The co‐authors of our article coincide in the prominence they give to disturbing indexical signs (i.e., indications and traces of trauma and normalization in people, in political processes and works of art), as keys of interpretation and problematizing at the basis of their art works, their social work and their historic and political research. They (...)
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  39. La democrazia della sfiducia: la rappresentanza nell'età del paradosso: 2001 - 2020.Franco Maria Di Sciullo - 2022 - Napoli: Editoriale scientifica.
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    Epinomide: studi sull'opera e la sua ricezione.Francesca Alesse, Franco Ferrari & Maria Cristina Dalfino (eds.) - 2012 - [Naples, Italy]: Bibliopolis.
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    La critica e il progetto: aspetti e problemi politici dell'utilitarismo classico.Franco Maria Di Sciullo - 2004 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
  42.  23
    Positive Influences of Social Support on Sense of Community, Life Satisfaction and the Health of Immigrants in Spain.Isabel Hombrados-Mendieta, Mario Millán-Franco, Luis Gómez-Jacinto, Felipe Gonzalez-Castro, María José Martos-Méndez & Alba García-Cid - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Crecimiento de películas delgadas de Nitruro de Carbono por deposición con láser pulsado.Henry Riascos Landázuri, Lina María Franco Arias & Jaime Andrés Pérez Taborda - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Integrated audit as a means to implement unit protocols: a randomized and controlled study.Lorena Charrier, Maria Cristina Allochis, Maria Rita Cavallo, Dario Gregori, Franco Cavallo & Carla Maria Zotti - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):847-853.
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    The moral experiences of children with osteogenesis imperfecta.Yi Wen Wang, Franco A. Carnevale, Maria Ezcurra, Khadidja Chougui, Claudette Bilodeau, Sophia Siedlikowski & Argerie Tsimicalis - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1773-1791.
    Background Serious ethical problems have been anecdotally identified in the care of children with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), which may negatively impact their moral experiences, defined as their sense of fulfillment towards personal values and beliefs. Research aims To explore children’s actual and desired participation in discussions, decisions, and actions in an OI hospital setting and their community using art-making to facilitate their self-expression. Research design A focused ethnography was conducted using the moral experiences framework with data from key informant interviews; (...)
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  46. Fobaproa… el costo que todos pagamos.Ana Isabel Franco Cano, María Mussmet Hernández Rivero & Cristina Elizabeth Maldonado Martínez - 2005 - Episteme 1 (4).
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    Environmental Attitudes, Behaviors, and Responsibility Perceptions Among Norwegian Youth: Associations With Positive Youth Development Indicators.Maria Bøhlerengen & Nora Wiium - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Young people’s environmental attitudes and behaviors are essential for environmental conservation, hence the need to identify facilitating factors. Promoting positive development among young people may empower them to contribute actively to their environment through positive attitudes and behaviors. In the present study, we examine the associations between the 5Cs of Positive Youth Development and environmental concerns among Norwegian youth, measured through environmental attitudes, conservation behavior, and responsibility. Cross-sectional data on demographic variables, the 5Cs and environmental concerns were collected from high (...)
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    Our Virtual Tribe: Sustaining and Enhancing Community via Online Music Improvisation.Raymond MacDonald, Robert Burke, Tia De Nora, Maria Sappho Donohue & Ross Birrell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:623640.
    This article documents experiences of Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra’s virtual, synchronous improvisation sessions during COVID-19 pandemic via interviews with 29 participants. Sessions included an international, gender balanced, and cross generational group of over 70 musicians all of whom were living under conditions of social distancing. All sessions were recorded using Zoom software. After 3 months of twice weekly improvisation sessions, 29 interviews with participants were undertaken, recorded, transcribed, and analyzed. Key themes include how the sessions provided opportunities for artistic development, enhanced (...)
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    Guanajuato, «Ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad». ¿Oportunidad o desafío para el turismo sostenible?María Inés Ortiz Álvarez, Luz María Oralia Tamayo Pérez, Jorge González Sánchez & Alma Villaseñor Franco - 2017 - Arbor 193 (785):402.
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    Participando con pedagogías feministas y método biográfico narrativo en la formación docente.Irene Martínez Martín, María Teresa Bejarano Franco & Virtudes Téllez Delgado - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-11.
    En el contexto de pandemia han aparecido nuevas fórmulas de ejecución de violencias de género. Estas violencias afectan los procesos participativos en los centros educativos. El objetivo de este artículo es evidenciar como las pedagogías feministas dan respuesta a esta situación desde el método biográfico-narrativo. Las principales conclusiones aportan las bondades existentes del diálogo entre las pedagogías feministas y el método biográfico-narrativo como base para intervenir en las situaciones de desigualdad generadas por las violencias acaecidas, y poder asentar bases para (...)
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